By Pastor Maxwell Ware on Thursday, 07 December 2017
Category: Cornerstone

The Holy Spirit

Today I want to speak about the Holy Spirit as a person and his presence and his power.

John 14:16

I will pray that the Father and he the Father shall give you another comforter and he might abide with you forever.

Once you have been baptized in the Spirit you have been filled with the Spirit.  The Bible says now walk in the Spirit.

The Apostle Paul says have you received the Holy Ghost since you believed.

You cannot determine that because  someone of a different race or nationality or different belief system that they are unclean, because God created them; he created each one of us.

You are beautiful in your own way!  God doesn’t create junk!

God says, I am going to give you a part of the third head of the Godhead, which is the Holy Spirit.

God called you to be holy.  We need soldiers in the Army of the Lord.

It’s not about your feelings, it’s about your faith.  You have to have faith in the promises of God.


John 14:1

Do not let your hearts to be troubled.  You believe in God, believe also in me.  My father’s house has many rooms.  If it were not so I would have told you I am going there to prepare a place for you……….

You have power; you have Jesus Christ, the advocate, sitting on the right hand throne of God, making intercessions for you and I.  You have the Father who is already inclined to bless you.

The Spirit of God dwells inside of you and helps you to line up with the word of God.

The Bible says if you delight yourself in the Lord he will give you the desires of your heart.

We should allow the Holy Spirit to be at work in our lives.

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